Collection: Les Plantes à Feuillage Coloré by Alexander Francis Lydon & Benjamin Fawsett.

A collection of digitally enhanced illustrations taken from a 1865 original copy of Les Plantes à Feuillage Coloré by Alexander Francis Lydon & Benjamin Fawcett.  

Benjamin Fawcett 1808 - 1893, East Ridings of Yorkshire, The son of a ship's master, Fawcett was apprenticed at age 14 for seven years to William Forth, a Bridlington bookseller and printer. In 1831, he started his own business in Middle Street, Driffield, as music seller, bookbinder and printer, bookseller and stationer.

Alexander Francis Lydon 1836 - 1917, Dublin, was an Irish-born British watercolour artist, illustrator and engraver of natural history and landscapes. He worked for Benjamin Fawcett the printer, to whom he had been apprenticed from an early age.